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Enhale Meditation Studio

Enhale Meditation Studio offers up a broad range of classes from early morning until late evening, seven days a week. Classes can be purchased as part of a credit-based membership, or on a drop-in basis. Specialist classes and day-long workshops for specific tastes, such as sound baths and intention-setting meditation, will be available alongside efficient 30-minute lunchtime detox sessions, meaning there will be something for everyone at the soon-to-debut studio.

14/F, Plaza LKF, 21 D’Aguilar Street
+852 9385 8389

US based brand of environmentally friendly cleaning products and materials.


+852 2713 9998
Enjoyce Yoga

Enjoyce Yoga is a yoga studio offering Slim Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Yin Yang Yoga and Hatha Yoga classes.

Hai Phong Mansion House, 53-55 Haiphong Road
+852 6224 9961

Enrich is the leading Hong Kong charity promoting the economic empowerment of migrant domestic workers. They empower migrant domestic workers to invest in themselves through financial and empowerment education. Their workshops equip migrant women with the tools to save, budget, and plan for greater financial security.

1102 Enterprise Building, 228-238 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
2386 5811
Environmental Protection Department

Hong Kong government's environmental department- helps to raise awareness about green issues and provides resources and information to citizens.

+852 2838 3111

Reusable & eco-friendly bags for all occasions.


Phone not listed

ePet.hk is an online shop offering a side variety of pet products for cats and dogs. They carry food and treat brands that focus on organic and natural ingredients as well as supplies and pet health products.


Rm 1107, 11/F Vanta Industrial Centre
21-23 Tai Lin Pai Road

+852 8191 3234

EQUILIBRIUM is fitness studio offering personal training and small group fitness classes.

55 Aberdeen Street
+852 6319 0144