Greta Thunberg Named PETA’s Youth Role Model Of 2019

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Greta Thunberg, the famous teenage climate activist and inspiration for the global #FridaysForFuture strikes, has just been named the Youth Role Model of the Year by PETA. As the face of the global climate movement, Greta Thunberg has followed through her words with actions in her daily life, from avoiding air travel to adopting a vegan diet. The award, which recognises the most powerful young people advancing animal welfare and environmental causes, applauds Thunberg for her efforts to promote veganism and its multitudinal benefits. 

In an announcement made on 10th December, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the largest animal rights organisation in the world, has just named Greta Thunberg the Youth Role Model of 2019. The teenage eco-warrior rose to prominence this year as a leader that has renewed the world’s attention on the planet’s climate emergency with her standalone strike outside the Swedish parliament, which later evolved into a global student strike movement, participated by millions participating. Despite now being a frequent face of the global climate efforts, Thunberg has not shied away from speaking out against world leaders who have continued on with their business-as-usual approach.

READ: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Greta Thunberg

With the award, PETA shines a light on her outspoken television appearances and Twitter statements, all emphasising the link between animal agriculture and global climate change. Describing herself as a vegan for “ethical, environmental and climate reasons,” Great has spread the word about the plethora of reasons to shift towards a plant-based diet – most of all because it is the “single” most beneficial action we can take to reduce our carbon footprint, in addition to being able to save 200 animals a year. 

“Whether she’s leading a strike or eating a meal, PETA salutes Greta Thunberg, who refuses to sit by and watch as the planet is destroyed and its animal citizens die for a fleeting taste of chicken nuggets or a slice of cheese. PETA is recognising Greta for speaking truth and inspiring passionate young activists,” said PETA’s senior director of youth programs Marta Holmberg.

READ: Greta Thunberg Tells Congress “You’re Not Trying Hard Enough, Sorry”

Not only has Greta persuaded her own parents and classmates to shift away from a meat and dairy based diet towards a plant-centric diet, her work as an iconic climate activists have led to a number of other positive knock-on effects. Sales of children’s books on environmental issues have skyrocketed, for instance, and organisations have pointed to the “Greta effect” as the main reason for the major increase of carbon offsetting projects.

Lead image courtesy of Anders Hellberg.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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