Our Favourite Healthy Recipe Blogs – Paleo, Vegan, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free

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At Green Queen, we are all about home cooking and creating recipes. Not a day goes by when we are not experimenting with new dishes in the kitchen. But some days, inspiration is harder to find than others. And on those days, we turn to these five women below for ideas, suggestions, techniques and drool-worthy photos of course. Here are our go-to healthy recipes blogs- we hope they will become a much-opened bookmark on your browser too!

Deliciously Ella Recipes

Deliciously Ella

Founding Story:  When Londoner Ella Woodward was little, she didn’t like greens at all. So it’s fairly ironic that today her vegan recipes inspire the masses. In fact, her daily diet consisted mostly of candy bars and sweets. Until one weekend when she found herself so unexplainably exhausted she was spending all day in bed and so bloated that only her father’s clothes would fit her. After a litany of tests, she was diagnosed with a rare chronic condition called postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTs), which targets the nervous system as well as affecting basic bodily functions like digestion and immunity. That’s when her life, and especially her diet, was turned upside down. The sweets party was over. She was inspired by stage 4 cancer survivor Kris Carr (of Crazy Sexy Cancer fame) and her journey to health through veganism. Overnight, she gave up gluten, dairy, meat, sugar, and any kind of processed food. It was a huge shock but she persevered and within three weeks she was feeling better. She started to learn how to cook and the rest is history. From her app to her blog read by millions to her upcoming cookbook, she is a plant based cooking sensation and has inspired countless people to change their diet for the better.

Clean Eating Philosophy: Deliciously Ella is 100% plant-based: all recipes are vegan, gluten-free, refined-sugar free and many are raw vegan.

The Spunky Coconut Recipes

The Spunky Coconut

Founding Story: Kelly Brozyna is an American mother on a mission. In 2004, faced with two very unwell toddlers with conditions spanning autism, ADD and celiac’s, she began to study nutrition and work with a naturopath. Soon thereafter, she cut out sugar, casein and gluten from her family’s diet. Everyone’s health improved. She kept going, researching and developing recipes and is today the best selling author of four cookbooks (including a fantastic tome on dairy free ice cream) on top of her world-famous The Spunky Coconut blog. Her recipes are truly revolutionary, mimicking much loved conventional baked treats so well that many can’t tell the difference between the healthier versions and the processed ones.

Clean Eating Philosophy: The Spunky Coconut is packed with dairy-free, casein-free, refined-sugar free, gluten-free and paleo dishes. Many of her recipes are also egg-free.

Elena's Pantry Recipes

Elana’s Pantry

Founding Story: American Elana Amsterdam was diagnosed with celiac disease almost two decades ago and MS about ten years later. She had studied Ayurvedic cooking in her early twenties so she applied some of those principles to her diet, as well as cutting out gluten completely. A few years later, she decided to make the radical choice of going totally grain-free as her health was still fairly poor. Most people around her did not understand but she persevered and has become a world renowned expert on a grain free lifestyle. But her success can be especially attributed to a mother’s love and dedication. When her young son was also found to have celiac’s, Elana embarked on a culinary journey to remake conventional recipes into grain-free, gluten-free versions so he wouldn’t feel deprived. She chronicled her dishes on the Elana’s Pantry blog and the simplicity of her minimal ingredient list recipes has won over millions. She is a well respected advocate of the grain free lifestyle in the US and abroad and has published three New York Times best-selling cookbooks- her first, focused on almond flour, changed healthy baking forever.

Clean Eating Philosophy: Elana’s Pantry is 100% grain-free and gluten-free,  and many of the recipes are paleo.

My New Roots Recipes

My New Roots

Founding Story: Sarah Britton is a Canadian living in Copenhagen. After investing in years of holistic nutrition study in Toronto (she is a Holistic Nutritionist and a Certified Nutritional Practitioner), she found herself unable to get a job as a nutritionist in her new adopted country of Denmark. She decided that what she wanted to do most was learn how to cook. She interned at the NOMA test kitchen. She worked on an organic farm. And she spent a lot of time experimenting on her own. She created My New Roots to document her escapades in the kitchen and years later, the site is now a global phenomenon and a strong community of whole food lovers. She also has a cookbook on the way. Sarah is extremely passionate about sourcing, and the majority of what she consumes is local, seasonal and organic.

Clean Eating Philosophy: My New Roots is not keen on labels or calling out a specific dietary restrictions. In her own words, the author describes her food philosophy as “whole foods based”. Most of the recipes are vegan with the odd reference to goat/sheep’s milk and cheese and the focus is on making everything from scratch.

I Quit Sugar

I Quit Sugar

Founding Story: Australian Sarah Wilson had a bad case of Hashimoto’s, an auto-immune disease that affects thyroid function, which in turn affects all other hormones in the body, including insulin. Some believe this condition is caused by sugar. After being told to reduce the sugar in her diet many times over, she finally caved. As newspaper columnist at the time, she decided to write about her two week sugar free experiment and the very positive (and immediate) results she was experiencing. The response was overwhelming and the I Quit Sugar platform was born. In 2011, she left refined sugar behind for good and has not looked back. Her extremely popular 8-Week I Quit Sugar Program has converted over 500, 000 people and she has published multiple best-selling cookbooks and books.

Clean Eating Philosophy: I Quit Sugar is dedicated to everything sugar-free. All recipes are low on sugar of all types including so-called healthy sugars, fruits and starches.


  • Sonalie Figueiras

    2021 Women of Power, 2019 GEN T Honoree, V Label Global Hero, 2 x TEDx Speaker: Serial social entrepreneur & trends forecaster Sonalie Figueiras is a sustainability expert, food futurist and eco-powerhouse who has been inspiring global audiences for over a decade with practical steps on how to fight climate change. Known as the Green Queen of Asia, she is the founder and Editor in Chief of the award-winning Green Queen - the region’s first impact media platform that educates millions of readers on the connection between health, sustainability and the environment and showcases future solutions. She is also the co-founder and CEO of organic sourcing platform Ekowarehouse and climate tech SaaS Source Green, which helps consumer brands quit plastic packaging thanks to proprietary plastic reduction software. In addition, Sonalie is a global keynote speaker and an advisor to multiple mission-driven startups and NGOs, and a venture partner to several VC funds.

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