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Ngai Muay Thai Association

Ngai Muay Thai Association offers Muay Thai classes.

Unit F/16F, 21 - 27 Wing Yip Street, Wing Yip Industrial Building
Phone not listed
Nia Hong Kong

Nia Hong Kong offers fitness training.

+852 9527 7597
Nia With Leonie Hong Kong

Nia with Leone offers Nia Cardio Dance Classes in Hong Kong at Red Shoe Dance Studios Central. Nia fitness is a mind-body exercise that combines yoga, martial arts, tai chi, and modern dance into a fun exercise class. No dance experience required.

Unit 3A, 3/F Arbuthnot House, 10 Arbuthnot Road
Nice Things

Nice Things is a distributor focusing on organic foods. They currently distribute three product lines: certified organic tomato wine, mead, and fair trade and a suite of organic baobab powder products (food, drinks, beauty) made by a European social enterprise.


9/F 33 Des Voeux Road Central
+852 3952 7229

Organic and gluten-free cupcakes made to order.


+852 6023 8100
Nicole’s Kitchen

Nicole's Kitchen hand makes jams and XO sauces using no colours, flavours and preservatives and local produce. Their online shop also stocks iQ organic superfood chocolates and Williamson Teas.


1/F, Cityplaza 1, Taikoo Shing
+852 3419 1146

Ethically produced & sustainable gold, silver and semi-precious stone jewellery. Available online or at their Sheung Wan shop.


200 Hollywood Road (entrance on Pound Lane)
+852 2878 8811
Nine Dragons Brewery

Craft brewery based in Hong Kong but brewing in Germany, producing a range of beers, they are available on tap at various restaurants in Hong Kong. See their website for current locations.

出產本地製啤酒,於各間香港餐廳有售,詳情可見Nine Dragons Brewery的website主頁。

25/F Workington Twoer

78 Bonham Strand
+852 5109 6580